Are You Dealing with These Obstacles for Disciple-Making? If we continue to ignore the impact of these obstacles, the lost will not be saved. The saved will not mature. Leaders will not be developed. Continue reading
Help Your Disciples Gain Competence and Confidence When your disciples gain competence and confidence they desire to share what they have learned. Invest forward. Continue reading
Walking Together on the Discipleship Journey The discipleship journey involves two journeys, one with Christ and one with our disciples. We are to desire and practice both. Continue reading
A Graphic for Disciple-Making I share a graphic for disciple-making to help as we communicate to others what a disciple is and does. Continue reading
Review: Do You Need a Discipleship Mentor? Mentoring can be short term, and a discipleship mentor does not have to be an expert in every aspect of discipleship. Continue reading
Will You Launch a Simple Disciple-Making Process? What simple disciple-making essentials would you include in your list? Did you keep the list short so it is reproducible? Continue reading
Is Your Disciple a Friend of Jesus? How are you encouraging your disciple to be a friend of Jesus? Obey Him. Teach them to as well. Make disciples! Continue reading
The Problem with Disciple-Making Today What is the single, largest problem with disciple-making today? Is it impacting you, your disciple, or both of you? Continue reading
Your Tithing Reflects Your Relationship with God Answering two questions about tithing can help you assess your relationship with God and ability to teach/disciple others. Continue reading
Immanence and Transcendence: The Great Disciple-Maker So many have forgotten God’s immanence and transcendence and are in need of reminders and re-introductions to Him. Continue reading