The graphic for disciple-making above was shared by Bobby Harrington of Discipleship.org. He shared it in a post entitled What Is a Disciple? Three Key Characteristics. I encourage you to read through the entire post (it’s worth the time). I especially want you to study and reflect on the graphic.
Like Bobby, a key verse for me in understanding a definition or characteristics of a disciple can be found in these words of Jesus:
“Follow me,” he told them, “and I will make you fish for people.”
Matthew 4:19 (CSB)
Our best efforts to define or describe a disciple will start with Jesus. I have focused on the words of Jesus in that verse previously. Check out I-Will-Make-You Discipleship and What Is Your Favorite Discipleship Passage? along with other posts.
Three-Part Graphic for Disciple-Making
The graphic above breaks down the verse into three simple parts, and Bobby elaborates on each through his post. While I am not sure I am fully on board with the three icons (head, heart, and hand), I do agree that being a disciple involves every aspect of a person. I also agree that the three parts naturally overlap.
Because I don’t want unduly to influence your thinking before you have had time to spend time with the graphic (and Bobby’s post), feel free to leave me comments after you have done so. How can we communicate to others what a disciple is and does if we lack a good definition and understanding ourselves? Start with scripture. Work on definition. Share it with others. Make disciples!