In Part 1, I stated that when we open God’s Word, there are some questions that need to be answered. Some have to do more with understanding the background, customs, word meanings, and context. Better understanding helps us prepare for appropriate application. In Part 1, I shared six question that help us take that understanding and apply it to our lives.
Critical Application Questions
In Part 2, I will share follow up questions that ensure we move to obedience in response to God in His Word. Too often discipleship and disciple-making fails to follow up and the result is failure to obey. Consider these critical questions a few days following time in God’s Word:
- What was the previous Bible passage about? Days have passed. Review is helpful and necessary. Obedience is always more likely if we remember the lesson.
- Why was it important? This moves you or your disciple from facts to assessing the value and relevance of the facts. We are unlikely to respond to something we consider unimportant.
- What was the point of the passage? Here focus is added to application. Multiple points are distracting.
- What did God expect you to do as a result? This makes application personal. This points out responsibility for obedience.
- Did you do it? This checks on obedience. This gives the you or your disciple opportunity to check on keeping promises made to God.
- If not, what will you do this week to take steps toward obedience? This is a hope-filled question, that changes focus from the past to opportunities ahead.
How could asking these question help you or your disciple take application more seriously? How would they change future Bible study? What questions would you add to this list? Which of these questions do you habitually ignore? What can you do to improve your application this year? Be a disciple. Make disciples!
Photo by Ilkka Kärkkäinen on Unsplash