Disciple-Making Guidelines

I recently read an article by Real Life Ministries entitled 12 Simple Small Group Guidelines You Should Be Using. These guidelines were developed to “give your small group boundaries to operate with” and to “create an environment that is safe for transparency, vulnerability, and growing closer in relationship with each…

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Who Am I to Disciple?

There are many questions being asked by potential disciple-makers. Sadly, the lack of answers to these questions have produced much indecisiveness and immobility. Too often the result is no start and no disciple-making. How do we break through this potential roadblock? Prayerful decisiveness and activity. In the case of the…

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8 Marks of a Genuine Disciple

Aubrey Malphurs, in his book, Strategy 2000: Churches Making Disciples for the Next Millennium, discusses eight areas of what makes a genuine disciple.  This list or any list depicting lifestyle and behaviors is an outward response of an inward commitment to Jesus as Lord. This is not a legalistic exercise…

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