Tag: conferences
EQUIP Discipleship Conferences Online
Discipleship at EQUIP Tour 2019
Discipleship Conferences at Super Saturday 2015
Growing churches have trained leaders. Pastors, staff, and discipleship leaders pursue training annually. Bring your discipleship team to Super Saturday this year. Here are conferences offered, locations/dates, and how to register: CONFERENCES 10:00 AM – 12:15 PM “Coaching: Life-on-Life Disciple-making.” Launch a method of disciple-making that is simple, life-changing, and…
One-Day Disciple-Making Workshop
Within a few weeks, dozens across Kentucky (and beyond) will be trained to lead One-Day “Disciple-Making Workshops.” Those who will be trained are disciple-making practitioners who have been enlisted to provide workshops in their area. I want to invite you to pray for the leaders of the training, those…
Could It Be?
Discipleship Retro
EQUIP Discipleship Conferences Online
Discipleship at EQUIP Tour 2019
Discipleship Conferences at Super Saturday 2015

Growing churches have trained leaders. Pastors, staff, and discipleship leaders pursue training annually. Bring your discipleship team to Super Saturday this year. Here are conferences offered, locations/dates, and how to register: CONFERENCES 10:00 AM – 12:15 PM “Coaching: Life-on-Life Disciple-making.” Launch a method of disciple-making that is simple, life-changing, and…
One-Day Disciple-Making Workshop

Within a few weeks, dozens across Kentucky (and beyond) will be trained to lead One-Day “Disciple-Making Workshops.” Those who will be trained are disciple-making practitioners who have been enlisted to provide workshops in their area. I want to invite you to pray for the leaders of the training, those…