I read an article entitled 2 Keys for Spiritual Growth. It reminded me of this scripture passage:
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us (Hebrews 12:1, ESV).
Too often disciples are weighed down by and stumble over bad things as well as good ones. I often think of Lot’s wife (in Genesis 19) who was told to flee from Sodom and not look back or stop anywhere before the coming destruction. The problem was she looked back and got stuck in the destruction (became a pillar of salt).
I am confident that she was not looking back at that moment whistfully longing for days of sin. She was looking back at her home, at good memories, and hard-earned possessions. In and of themselves, these were not evil things. But when things (even good ones) get in the way of our obedience to God, they are stumbling blocks to our spiritual growth.
The article, 2 Keys for Spiritual Growth, mentioned two potential stumbling blocks:
- Past Failures and
- Past Achievements.
Because of forgiveness, failures should not incapacitate us. At the same time, we should not rest on yesterday’s successes. Paul emphasized letting go of the past and reaching for the prize in your spiritual growth.
Pause and take inventory. With what are you struggling the most in your life as His disciple? Where are potential stumbling blocks (good and bad)? Are there past failures or achievements that distract you from what He desires from you today? Confess these to Him. Ask for His help to release them. Focus on the direction forward that He is leading. Grow as His disciple. Make disciples!
For more ideas about making spiritual progress, check out these posts: