Tag: focus
Stumbling Blocks to Our Spiritual Growth
80-20 Rule is Killing Us
Discipleship-The Divine Connection
Profiling and Discipleship
Simple Church, Introduction
In their Broadman & Holman book, Simple Church, Thom S. Rainer, president of LifeWay Resources, and Eric Geiger, Executive Pastor at Christ Fellowship, encourage churches to “return to God’s process for making disciples.” In their research, Rainer and Geiger discovered that the healthiest churches in America tended to have a…
Increasing Assimilation Through Worship
When it comes to assimilation, relationship-building is most important, but other key factors exist. Another way to improve the rate-of-return of first-time guests is by improving the worship service. Without question, innovative churches like Willow Creek Community Church, Saddleback Community Church, Granger Community Church, Fellowship Church, and North Point Community Church have…
How to Build Relationships, Part 1
“We are a culture craving relationship. In the midst of our crowded existence, many of us are living lonely lives. We live and work in a sea of humanity, but we end up missing out on the benefits of regular, meaningful relationships.” Andy Stanley I emphasized the connection between relationship-building…
Stumbling Blocks to Our Spiritual Growth
80-20 Rule is Killing Us
Discipleship-The Divine Connection
Profiling and Discipleship
Simple Church, Introduction

In their Broadman & Holman book, Simple Church, Thom S. Rainer, president of LifeWay Resources, and Eric Geiger, Executive Pastor at Christ Fellowship, encourage churches to “return to God’s process for making disciples.” In their research, Rainer and Geiger discovered that the healthiest churches in America tended to have a…
Increasing Assimilation Through Worship

When it comes to assimilation, relationship-building is most important, but other key factors exist. Another way to improve the rate-of-return of first-time guests is by improving the worship service. Without question, innovative churches like Willow Creek Community Church, Saddleback Community Church, Granger Community Church, Fellowship Church, and North Point Community Church have…
How to Build Relationships, Part 1

“We are a culture craving relationship. In the midst of our crowded existence, many of us are living lonely lives. We live and work in a sea of humanity, but we end up missing out on the benefits of regular, meaningful relationships.” Andy Stanley I emphasized the connection between relationship-building…