When it comes to assimilation, relationship-building is most important, but other key factors exist. Another way to improve the rate-of-return of first-time guests is by improving the worship service. Without question, innovative churches like Willow Creek Community Church, Saddleback Community Church, Granger Community Church, Fellowship Church, and North Point Community Church have capitalized on the strength of a great worship service. The same is true for many traditional Southern Baptist Convention churches as well as churches of other denominations. Here are 6 practical ways to improve the worship service, regardless of the style:
- Pick up the pace. We live in a fast-paced world. Because of that, it is good to slow down sometimes in worship, but most worship services move at a snail’s pace. Effective planning eliminates “dead spots” in the service that chew into time that can be better spent hearing the Bible being taught, praying, or singing songs of worship.
- Focus on one topic. The worship service should have one main focus. In many instances, the more narrow the focus, the better. When all elements of the worship service have a single focus, it is easier to understand the message. People are more free to hear a message from the Lord because they are not deluged with a barrage of topics.
- Practice makes perfect. Worship is not about “performance,” but there’s nothing wrong with giving God our best in an effort to point people to Him and to His glory. Songs should be rehearsed, sermons should be prepared, and transitions should be planned. Of course, we should always be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and be free for Him to do something we did not anticipate.
- Lead by example. The leaders of the worship service should be worshipping themselves. They should worship God throughout the week and it will overflow into the service.
- Tune the piano. Sometimes simply tuning the piano, putting a new set of strings on the guitar, or new heads on the drums can greatly improve the music. Be sure the worship leaders have good monitors, so they can hear properly as they lead.
- Pray. We should do more than pray, but we should do nothing until we pray. Pray throughout the week that God will be honored and glorified during the worship service and that those in attendance will see His glory. Pray that those without Christ in their lives will come to know Him as their personal Savior. Nothing is more exciting during worship, than seeing people come to faith in Christ.
By utilizing these tips to improve worship, you will almost certainly increase assimilation as well. For more help in the area of worship, check out Worship Stream written by my friend Rod Ellis. For more help in the area of assimilation, please see the following posts: