My sons are young adults. One lives a couple hours away; the other lives nine hours away. But when we are together in person or connecting by phone or electronic means, I am often amazed at how much I hear me in them. I hear my dry humor. I hear bits and pieces of my Christian worldview and philosophies of life. (By the way, they hear it too!)
I fully recognize the truth of Proverbs 22:6 (ESV), “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” That is where making disciples of all nations begins. At home.
Why should the world believe us about Jesus when our children do not? If we do not train (disciple) them to follow Jesus, why should others follow us to Him? Does your family reflect your relationship with Jesus?
If not, don’t beat yourself up over it. But keep this in mind: it is not too late. Start now. One conversation. One Bible verse. One act of care. Keep pointing to Jesus. Point them to God’s Word. Allow the Holy Spirit to draw and convict and change. Even you.
Start at home. Don’t allow yourself to get too busy to invest yourself in your precious family. And never give up!
For more ideas about making disciples, check out these posts: