Evaluation of New Member Assimilation

Simply stated, assimilation is the process of new people becoming part of a group. Assimilation efforts begin with relationship-building and evangelism efforts prior to joining a church and continue in connecting, discipling, and mobilizing efforts as part of the body of Christ. So new member assimilation begins the moment a…

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Closing the Back Door

I recently met with a church that was having consistent baptisms but not experiencing net growth. They asked me to help them plan some strategies that would keep those they reached. About the same time I read Tom Rainer’s blog on “closing the back door.” How does a church keep…

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The VELCRO Principle, Part 2

These series of blogs will help you keep the people you reach and help you discern if your church is more like Teflon or Velcro? We have a twofold challenge…getting new people to attend and getting people to stick after they join and not slide off. So is your church…

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Today I say farewell as the writer of 28Nineteen. On November 2, 2008, I will assume the Senior Pastor position at the First Baptist Church of Shelbyville, Kentucky. My family and I are very excited about our new assignment from the Lord. Read about our move in this Kentucky Baptist…

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Training Opportunities

This past Saturday at the Immanuel Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky, the Kentucky Baptist Convention offered a variety of great training opportunities. If you missed the event, similar training is being offered at five other locations across the state. One of the discipleship faculty was Tim Holcomb, Director of Discipleship…

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