Helpful Discipleship Tools

Through the years, LifeWay Christian Resources has been on the leading edge in producing great discipleship materials. In addition to helpful materials, LifeWay developed several planning and assessment tools that provide help to discipleship programs of any size. I have copies of each of these tools and will provide them…

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Top 5 Reasons to Disciple 1-2-1

Many effective discipleship approaches exist, but one of the simplest, most rewarding methods is 1-2-1 Discipleship. This method is also called life-on-life or mentoring. Since my college days, I have personally utilized this method as one of the ways I have sought to obey Matthew 28:19. Here are five reasons everyone…

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What Is Assimilation?

There is a lot of talk about assimilation in the church world today, but what exactly does assimilation mean? Ron Jenson and Jim Stevens describe assimilation as “absorption.” They define absorption as “the process by which people are taken into the life of the church and by which a strong…

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What is a disciple?

Jesus commissioned His followers to concentrate on making disciples, but what is a disciple? What does a disciple look like? Gary Tangeman defined a disciple as “one who has come to Jesus for eternal life, has claimed Jesus as Savior and God, and has embarked upon the life of following…

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Professional Wrestling

A few years back we had some good friends over for supper and we watched professional wrestling on TV.  I am not a wrestling fan, but I am intrigued by one particular question, is it real or is it fake?  At times it looks fairly real and at times it…

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