Spiritual Gravity

I grew up on a variety of two-wheeled, speed-producing machines. Bicycles, homemade minibikes, and Honda motorcycles of all sizes and shapes. We had Trail 70s, TL-125s, CR-250s, 650s, 750s, and Gold Wings. We even had a couple of pieced-together Harleys along the way. Recently, I owned the Yamaha 1600cc Roadstar…

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Sermon: Created to Become Like Christ

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Col. 2:6-7 (NIV) As believers, our ultimate goal is to become like Christ. He is the bullseye.…

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Read the Bible

What is the most important spiritual discipline? What is the one thing that is paramount when it comes to maturing as a follower of Christ? I believe the Bible is the key. As a follower of Christ, I have discovered that my intimacy with Christ rises and falls in connection…

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Teacher or Disciple Maker?

Is a person who teaches a Bible study class on Sunday morning a Sunday School Teacher or a Disciple Maker? I believe they are both! I commend men and women who faithfully teach the Bible every week in our churches. After preparation during the busy week, they share information from…

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Lawless on Discipleship

Dr. Chuck Lawless, Dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Church Growth as well as Director of Professional Doctoral Studies is a person I highly respect. He is thorough, consistent, relevant, and approachable. I have been privileged to have him speak in one of the churches where…

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Discipleship Evangelist

As a young pastor, I read several books that impacted my life and gave focus to my ministry. One particular book that impacted me the most was The Disciple-Making Pastor by Bill Hull. In his book, Hull challenges and encourages the pastor to adopt disciple making as his primary assignment…

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The Importance of a Membership Class

I cannot overemphasize the importance of starting a good membership class. A membership class can be a place where relationships are developed, doctrine is taught, vision is shared, expectations are expounded, and the Gospel is presented. A membership class can play a key role in both assimilation and discipleship. On his…

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Be a Great Host

On May 22, 2008, we will host Dr. Gary L. McIntosh at the Kentucky Baptist Convention building for a one-day conference that will focus on assimilation. The event will be the final stop of the 2008 Assimilation Tour that we will conduct across the state. In his book, Beyond the First Visit, Gary…

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Marks of an Assimilated Person

How can we know when a person is properly assimilated into a church? How does an assimilated person look? How does he act? What does he do? Charles and Win Arn provide the following helpful list called, Nine Marks of an Assimilated Person: Identifies with the goals of the church.…

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Relationships = Glue

The importance of helping members develop friendships within a church cannot be overemphasized. Relationships are the glue that keep people connected to a church. Naturally, friendships are important in obtaining new members, but they are the key to retaining them. One pastor took a survey in his church. When he…

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