I am reading a short book by Will Mancini entitled Innovating Discipleship: Four Paths to Real Discipleship Results. Chapters 1-3 are available here. In chapter two, Mancini shares about three kinds of results and his definitions
- Input results: focused on the number of people and dollars that come into a church….You can’t lead well without knowing them.
- Output results: actual life-change outcomes that God intends for followers of Christ individually and together.
- Impact results: capture the broader effect of the church in the surrounding city or community.
Keep in mind the words of Mancini as he concludes chapter 3: “Input results (attendance and giving) by themselves do not validate the accomplishment of the church’s mission.”
QUESTION OF THE DAY: What discipleship inputs will produce the desired outputs and impact?
For more ideas about discipleship, check out these posts: