What materials are you using for one-on-one disciple-making? What materials are you using for D-groups (small disciple-making groups of four or less)? Please press Comments and share what you are using and how you are using those materials.
This blog is not in the business of promoting or selling products, but there is a lot of interest in one-on-one disciple-making right now. In response to that interest, I want to share three sets of materials that can help.
Billie Hanks Series:
- Hanks Jr, Billie and Randy Craig. Becoming a Disciple-Maker: Leader’s Guide. IEA. 2013.
- Hanks Jr, Billie and Randy Craig. Becoming a Disciple-Maker: Student’s Guide. IEA. 2013.
- Hanks Jr, Billie. A Call to Joy: Encouraging the Growing Believer: Discipler’s Guide. IEA. 2009.
- Hanks Jr, Billie. A Call to Joy: Encouraging the Growing Believer: Timothy’s Guide. IEA. 2009.
- Hanks Jr, Billie. A Call to Growth: Establishing the Growing Believer: Discipler’s Guide. IEA. 2009.
- Hanks Jr, Billie. A Call to Growth: Establishing the Growing Believer: Timothy’s Guide. IEA. 2009.
- Disciples Path: A Practical Guide to Disciple-Making. LifeWay Press. 2014.
- The Beginning: First Steps for New Disciples. LifeWay Press. 2014.
- The Way: Discovering Christ’s Path of Discipleship. LifeWay Press. 2014.
- The Call: Counting the Cost of Following Christ. LifeWay Press. 2015.
- The Truth: Engaging the Foundations of the Faith. LifeWay Press. 2015.
- The Life: Living the Spiritual Disciplines. LifeWay Press. 2015.
- The Mission: Joining God in His Work. LifeWay Press. 2015.
Growing Disciples Series:
- King, Claude. The Call to Follow Christ: Six Disciplines for New and Growing Believers. LifeWay Press. 2006.
- Hunt, T.W. and Claude King. Pray in Faith. LifeWay Press. 2007.
- Leach, Richard and David A. Wheeler. Minister to Others. LifeWay Press. 2009.
- Murray, Andrew and Bo Stevens. Abide in Christ. LifeWay Press. 2007.
- Nation, Philip. Live in the Word. LifeWay Press. 2009.
- Thompson Jr., W. Oscar and Carolyn T. Ritzmann. Witness to the World. LifeWay Press. 2008.
Use these materials to invest in one disciple who will be prepared to invest in one disciple (think 2 Timothy 2:2). Then when you two have worked through the materials, you each invest in one disciple. Each of the above sets could be worked through in a year. So by the end of the second year, you have four disciple-makers ready to invest in four more. This may seem slow, but consider this: with multiplication efforts continuing annually, you could impact over 4,000 people by the end of the twelfth year!
What is your strategy for one-on-one disciple-making? What materials are you using? How are those efforts going? Let’s start a disciple-making movement. Make disciples!
For more ideas about making disciples, check out thee blog posts:
- Tracking Your Disciple-Making
- Disciple-Making Team Strategy Retreat
- Disciple-Making Fruit of the Spirit
- Disciple-Making Decisions
- Disciple-Making Brainstorming
- Discipleship Practice: Daily Bible Reading
- Disciple-making: Using Group Size Advantageously
- Where Does Evangelism End and Discipleship Begin?
- Enlist a Disciple-making Team
We have used “Good News for You” – Charles Brock for one on one and small group studies for new believers and seekers. It has seven lessons. It works well for an evangelistic outreach, home Bible study. It does not assume that the student is already a Christian. It begins with “Man’s Problem” and works through “God’s Solution.” It teaches the ‘bridge illustration’ so the student can begin witnessing to others.
The next study: “I Have Been Born Again, What Next” – Charles Brock. Eleven lessons to help the new believer on his walk with the Lord and involvement in the Church.
Charles Brock’s website:www.churchgrowthinternational.com
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We use various different resources in our disciple making here at FBC Jacksonville, Fl. but the predominant beginning point is One2Won, published by Joe White. It is available at our church website by going to http://www.fbcjax.com/downtown/resources/id,876/adult-discipleship-tools
Also we are using our PSG’s that we produce to go along witht he Explore the Bible series that are devotional in nature. Here is a link to the one for beginning in December. http://www.fbcjax.com/files/uploads/WinterDailyDevotional2015.pdf