Have you responded to the Quick Discipleship Tool Survey yet? I asked five questions in the survey. It only takes three minutes to complete. There is still time and value for you to participate. Here is the survey:
In Part 1, I shared the first three discipleship tool questions I asked in the survey: Besides Bible study, what other spiritual disciplines have you found helpful in discipling yourself or others? Besides the Bible, what book or printed resource have you found helpful in discipling yourself and/or others? What online website or tool have you found helpful in discipling yourself and/or others? Check out Part 1 to read the early responses to the survey questions.
Survey Early Results
In Part 2, I will share the final two questions along with their early responses:
Is there a practice, outline, or set of questions that gives guidance to a significant method used in discipling yourself and/or others?
- Four Questions: How are you doing? What is God showing you in the Bible? What are you going to do about what God is shown you? How are your disciples doing in their ministry to others?
- accountability
- haven’t found one
- Build a relationship first, be loyal, trustworthy and transparent…but most of all be willing to learn right along with each person.
- Sunday School
- not really
- I often use the SOAP acronym for myself
- Questions of examen from Richard Foster
- no
- The Discipleship Wheel from Navigators
- For myself: Read scripture, journal about what is said and personal application, then write out prayer; For others, I use the accountability questions in the “Growing Up” book.
- We use D-Life which helps us stay on point and track with a balance of personal growth and ministry together
While not every discipling relationship is the same, are there some common practices or steps you tend to review or cover when discipling others?
- Coaching questions, accountability, Bible Reading/Memorization
- Commitment covenant, confidentiality, accountability
- asking others the hard questions about their walk with the Lord
- Every person is an individual with their own set of gifts my job is to let them use their gifts not mine.
- Small group setting, regular meetings, accountability group style.
- Listen before talking. Be guided by the Bible.
- Consistency, continually challenging, and seeking others to disciple
- I try to connect contemplative reflection with action… ie, disciplines.
- The Call to Joy study covers the basics for us
- The Discipleship Wheel
- Meet once a week, talk about our week, talk about what we learned from Scripture, go over acct questions, pray for each other, stay in touch during the week.
- The gospel, the Bible, sharing your faith.
- Basic plan of salvation; spiritual disciplines; Scripture memory; biblical interpretation principles; Bible study methods
- Personal disciplines, ministry, service, reproducing, church membership, and accountability.
I want to encourage you to avoid solo work as a disciple and as a disciple-maker. The body of Christ should encourage each other. We can offer lots of help and learn from each other. Please participate in the SURVEY if you have not already done so. Be a disciple. Make disciples!