Have you responded to the Quick Discipleship Tool Survey yet? I asked five questions in the survey. It only takes three minutes to complete. There is still time and value for you to participate. Here is the survey:
Survey Early Results
Here are the first three of the five questions I asked in the survey along with the early responses:
Besides Bible study, what other spiritual disciplines have you found helpful in discipling yourself or others?
- prayer (100%)
- scripture memorization (66.7%)
- meditation (58.3%)
- journaling (41.7%)
- silence and solitude (16.7)
- other (16.7%)
Besides the Bible, what book or printed resource have you found helpful in discipling yourself and/or others?
- reading sermons
- Experiencing God series
- Case for Christ by Lee Strobel and Renovare books
- bible.org Theology course
- Billy Hanks material and Charles Brock’s material at churchgrowthinternational.com
- Growing in Christ
- Sunday School literature
- Disciples Path series
- NAC Commentary for myself; Growing Up by Robby Gallaty for others
- Call to Joy, Billie Hanks, Jr
- Good News for you – Charles Brock; I have been born again, What Next – Charles Brock
- The Gospel Primer
What online website or tool have you found helpful in discipling yourself and/or others?
- Bible.org , BlueletterBible.com
- BibleGateway.com
- The Daily Audio Bible app and Gotquestions.org
- Blue Letter Bible
- Classroom.google.com
- Renovare.org
- You Version app
- wisdomhunters.com
- Logos software, comes with an app; Replicate app is a tad helpful; “Verses” scripture memory app.
- You Version, RightNow Media
- PC Study Bible; Logos
I want to encourage you to avoid solo work as a disciple and as a disciple-maker. The body of Christ should encourage each other. We should learn from each others. And we can offer lots of help to each other. In Part 2, I will share the final two questions and their early responses. I do hope you will participate in the survey if you have not already done so (https://darrylwilson.typeform.com/to/YxtoyZ). Make disciples!