During the National Disciple Making Forum earlier this month, I attended four conferences led by Craig Etheredge, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Colleyville, TX. In those conferences, he shared his experiences which formed seven steps (bold moves) necessary to transition a church to become an intentional disciple-making church.
Those seven steps are the chapters of his book, Bold Moves: Lead the Church to Live Like Jesus:
- Move from Church Models to Christ’s Model
- Move from Decisions to Disciples
- Move from Programs to Process
- Move from Religious Activity to Relational Investment
- Move from Individual to Team
- Move from Tradition to Evaluation
- Move from Addition to Multiplication.
You will find those moves to be rooted in scripture and Jesus’ disciple-making example. You will find the seven moves to be practical and transferable. You will learn much as Craig shares his experiences with implementing those moves.
Gather a team. Read and discuss the book. Pray together. Get started. The closing section of the book is entited, Urgency of the Hour. Our time is now for obediently carrying out the command to make disciples of all nation (Matthew 28:19-20)!
For more ideas about building a disciple-making strategy, check out these posts:
Pingback: Where Does Making Disciples of All Nations Begin?
Pingback: Discipleship Impacted by the Power of the Gospel