Last night, we were hosted by the Mt. Washington First Baptist Church where the new International Mission Board chairman, Dr. Paul Chitwood, serves as pastor. Darryl Wilson of The Sunday School Revolutionary, Alan Witham, and I, led an assimilation conference as a part of our tour around Kentucky.
During one of my conferences, one of the participates told the group that their church practiced the 3-Minute Rule. I appreciated his reminder because the 3-Minute Rule can be a very effective assimilation technique. I promoted the rule as well at my last church.
Here’s how the 3-Minute Rule works. After the morning worship service, all the regular attenders spend the first 3 minutes talking with guests, newcomers, or simply people they do not know, before they begin talking with their friends. If possible, they introduce those they meet during the 3-Minute time to their friends with the hope of including them in the group. We should always keep in mind that . . . .
We are a culture craving relationship. In the midst of our crowded existence, many of us are living lonely lives. We live and work in a sea of humanity, but we end up missing out on the benefits of regular, meaningful relationships. (Andy Stanley)
I think we should practice a similar rule before the service as well. We could call it the 2-Person Rule. Strive to meet at least two new people before the service begins. Imagine how many people you would meet after a few weeks. Remember . . . .
People are not merely looking for a friendly church;
they are looking to make friends at church.
See the following posts for more help along these lines: