Today I am reviewing a book that had a strong impact on my paradigm for disciple-making and Sunday School. The book is T4T: A Discipleship ReRevolution by Steve Smith and Ying Kai. The book is about evangelism, disciple-making, and church planting.
My review reminded me how frequently we try to rush and oversimplify our disciple-making efforts, cutting out essential parts. The Great Commission is about making disciples of all nations, about multiplication of disciples. Here are four simple but often missed actions which help ensure multiplication in our disciple-making efforts:
- Vision. What has God saved us to do? How does He want to use us? With whom does He want us to share?
- Loving accountability. How are you obeying the Word? Did you share your salvation testimony? What happened when you did so? Did you share what you are learning? These questions are asked lovingly but expectantly.
- Practice. In order for our disciple(s) to gain confidence, it helps if we teach them and then give them opportunity to practice what they have learned. Practice the skill or practice sharing what was learned.
- Setting goals. The goal is sharing the gospel and teaching them to obey. So every lesson should lead participants to use and share what was learned. There should be outcomes and expectations. Personal growth should result as well as progress in discipling relationships.
These actions take time each time we are together with our disciple, but they are more likely to produce quick and ongoing results. I encourage you to get a copy of the book and be prepared to be stretched. Work these four actions into your plan and build on them. Watch what happens in your life and those you disciple. Make disciples!