Favorite Post: Disciple-Making Decisions

As you put together your personal or church plan to make disciples, allow me to offer some questions for you to consider: Group size. What size(s) will you include? Content delivery is possible in large groups, but disciple-making is nearly always accomplished in smallest groups:  one-on-one, one-on-two, one-on three, etc.…

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Driven or Led?

Are you driven or are you led?  Not in reference to whether or not you are a leader or a follower, not your personality type (we driven, high D folks know who we are!), but from a spiritual context… are you driven or led? If we walk by the Spirit…

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The Value of a List

As a young man, Benjamin Franklin resolved to attain the habits of virtue that would lead to success by making a game out of self-improvement.  He wrote thirteen key virtues in a notebook, one to a page, and checked off each instance in the day when he failed in one…

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