I hear testimonies about individual and church disciple-making regularly. Some are stories of what was learned from failed attempts. Sometimes disciples move. Sometimes resources used were ineffective. Sometimes plans were too cumbersome. But in all cases, learning about disciple-making was strengthened. The biggest failure is not trying.
In addition to the stories of failed attempts, I also hear inspiring testimonies of individual and strategy progress. I hear about strength, hope, and purpose recovered through Celebrate Recovery. I hear about fresh relationships with God through regular prayer and Bible study. I hear about fulfillment through serving in the church, community, and world.
Two words come to my mind when I think about benefits from successful models: inspiration and principles. “Model” is actually a poor word choice when we mean “an example for imitation.” But it is a good word if we shorten that definition simply to “an example.” All disciple-making models (except for Jesus’) are examples which should not be replicated as much as motivating us and teaching us.
You have seen and used good models. What did you learn from them? How have they inspired you? Share by pressing Comments. Make disciples.
For more ideas about disciple-making, check out these posts: