Tag: small group
Starting a D-Group
Discipling Those Who Irregularly Attend
How do you disciple people who don’t show up? How much can preaching, Sunday School, or small groups help new Christians and disciples grow when they are irregularly present? Commitment is a sign of maturing but is often missing today. In Why Church Members Are Attending Less Frequently, Thom Rainer lists…
Which Is Better: 1-on-1, D-Group, or Small Group?
Turn Lessons into Discipleship Experiences
Closing the Back Door
Jesus’ Style of Discipleship, Part 2
Jesus’ Style of Discipleship
A to Z Guide for Spiritual Growth, Part 2
Starting a D-Group
Discipling Those Who Irregularly Attend

How do you disciple people who don’t show up? How much can preaching, Sunday School, or small groups help new Christians and disciples grow when they are irregularly present? Commitment is a sign of maturing but is often missing today. In Why Church Members Are Attending Less Frequently, Thom Rainer lists…