Lawless on Discipleship

Dr. Chuck Lawless, Dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Church Growth as well as Director of Professional Doctoral Studies is a person I highly respect. He is thorough, consistent, relevant, and approachable. I have been privileged to have him speak in one of the churches where…

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Top 5 Reasons to Disciple 1-2-1

Many effective discipleship approaches exist, but one of the simplest, most rewarding methods is 1-2-1 Discipleship. This method is also called life-on-life or mentoring. Since my college days, I have personally utilized this method as one of the ways I have sought to obey Matthew 28:19. Here are five reasons everyone…

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What is a disciple?

Jesus commissioned His followers to concentrate on making disciples, but what is a disciple? What does a disciple look like? Gary Tangeman defined a disciple as “one who has come to Jesus for eternal life, has claimed Jesus as Savior and God, and has embarked upon the life of following…

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