The VELCRO Principle, Part 2

These series of blogs will help you keep the people you reach and help you discern if your church is more like Teflon or Velcro? We have a twofold challenge…getting new people to attend and getting people to stick after they join and not slide off. So is your church…

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Notice What’s Happening with People

Today, as we near the end of this series of posts, let’s discuss the “N” in C.L.O.S.I.N.G. the Back Door. The “N” stands for Notice What’s Happening with People. Every church needs a way to keep up with people and to track their progress toward successful assimilation. Several affordable, customizable…

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Offer Multiple Connection Points

In this series, we’ve been looking at ways to help our churches grow by assimilating newcomers and new members into the life of the church. In this post we will look at the “O” in C.L.O.S.I.N.G. the Back Door. For most churches, the Sunday School classes or the small groups serve as…

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C.L.O.S.I.N.G. the Back Door

Tomorrow evening, some of my buddies and I are kicking off an eight-stop assimilation tour across the state of Kentucky. The tour spreads through March – May of this year. Joining me on the tour will be Darryl Wilson from The Sunday School Revolutionary along with our Kentucky Baptist Strategists, Glen Cummins, Mike James,…

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Marks of an Assimilated Person

How can we know when a person is properly assimilated into a church? How does an assimilated person look? How does he act? What does he do? Charles and Win Arn provide the following helpful list called, Nine Marks of an Assimilated Person: Identifies with the goals of the church.…

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Relationships = Glue

The importance of helping members develop friendships within a church cannot be overemphasized. Relationships are the glue that keep people connected to a church. Naturally, friendships are important in obtaining new members, but they are the key to retaining them. One pastor took a survey in his church. When he…

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What Is Assimilation?

There is a lot of talk about assimilation in the church world today, but what exactly does assimilation mean? Ron Jenson and Jim Stevens describe assimilation as “absorption.” They define absorption as “the process by which people are taken into the life of the church and by which a strong…

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