Do you want to get even more out of your time with God in His Word? Do you want to listen better, understand and apply more, and obey more fully? Then some simple Bible reading helps may lead you toward greater effectiveness in the year ahead.
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Bible Reading Helps
There are many simple actions that can strengthen what you do when you open God’s Word. Consider which of the following ideas you can fold into your Bible reading practice:
- pray for insight and understanding before you open the Bible
- gather some tools before you open the Bible (pen, highlighter, Bible dictionary, commentary, etc.)
- find a comfortable place where you can meet God in Bible study (with no or few distractions)
- begin by reading the passage all the way through (whether 12 verses or 3 chapters)
- consider reading the passage in additional translations for additional insight and help
- highlight, underline, and/or circle key words, phrases, and verses
- in a journal or the margins of your Bible, write down key insights, questions, etc.
- go back through the passage looking for one or two key truths that were being communicated to listeners in that day
- pray again asking God to help you to understand the main point(s) of the passage and how you need to respond
- consider those key truths and their application to life today and to your life
- write down what you believe God expects you to do as a result of meeting Him in His Word
- in a few days, review what you wrote and check to see if you have been obedient; if not, make plans to do so
I have mentioned other helps in this blog for making Bible study even more enriching and helpful. Make your appointments with God fruitful. Give Him your complete attention and don’t rush through the experience. Open His Word and listen to the message He has for you. Grow as His disciple. Make disciples!