Would you like to increase second time guests? I read new member survey results from some Georgia churches in another denomination. The survey asked the question, “What brought you back to the church for your second visit?” Here were the responses:
- 44% said it was the warm inviting nature of the congregation;
- 28% said the sermon was Bible based and fed my spiritual needs;
- 22% said the church had music that inspired me;
- 1% said the church had programs that met my needs; and
- 5% said other.
How would you respond to these evaluation questions:
- How would your results compare or differ?
- Would your results mention anything about contact/follow-up after their first visit?
- Would your Sunday School classes/small groups have played a part in leading first time guests to return?
Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all nations. To do so, we must be in the marketplace shining the light of Jesus, developing relationships, and providing care and witness. At the same time, the tools of worship and Sunday School/small groups give us an opportunity to relate, evangelize, and begin to disciple. Avoiding bad impressions is essential personally and corporately. Without second visits, there will be less opportunity for making disciples of guests.
What can you do to increase the likelihood of guests returning? What would you add to the list of ideas above? What has worked for your church? Connection matters. Make relationships. Make disciples!