DiscipleShift 1 is coming to Eastside Community Church, in Richmond, Kentucky, on January 17-18, 2018! You are invited.
This will be a two-day experience of learning and living out Jesus’ method of disciple-making through interaction with a facilitation team and small group. You will receive tips and tools to equip you for living out and leading discipleship.
Eastside is a church of trainers and practitioners of the DiscipleShift philosophy and practices. Because it has been transformative in their ministry, they are bringing it to Kentucky so more can experience its benefits. DiscipleShift 1 could be a life-changing experience in your walk with God and your ministry as you seek to expand God’s Kingdom in your community and world.
Here is what others have said about their DiscipleShift 1 experiences.
“I was totally surprised by what God did during our time there – it was so revealing and so personal. Not like any other workshop we have ever attended.”
“We are now seeing discipleship move forward with more momentum as we seek to form new Life Groups and train leaders in the process.”
“The leaders at our church are now embracing discipleship personally, and meeting with their leaders to engage others.”
If DiscipleShift 1 sounds interesting, I would encourage you to enlist a team. Impact and change are much more likely when a team shares this experience and then plans movement forward together. Having personally participated in DiscipleShift 1, I highly recommend your participation. What I learned is definitely part of my disciple-making and small group thinking and practice.
To register and for more information, go to http://www.discipleshift.org/ds1.html.