Tag: one-on-one
Sam Newman: A Disciple-Making Story of Two Bens, Part 1
Want A Sandwich? Since becoming more intentional in making disciples that make disciples, God has blessed me with twelve guys to do life with one-on-one. He has also blessed my wife and me with two different couples that we have worked with together couple-to-couple. Two of the twelve guys share the…
Which Is Better: 1-on-1, D-Group, or Small Group?
Five Ways to Make Disciples, Part 4
One of the most effective, powerful, and efficient ways to make disciples is “one on one.” This method of discipleship is also called Mentoring, Life Coaching, or Spiritual Coaching. There is awesome power in “one on one” discipleship relationships because they transform lives. My own life has been impacted by…
Lawless on Discipleship
Dr. Chuck Lawless, Dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Church Growth as well as Director of Professional Doctoral Studies is a person I highly respect. He is thorough, consistent, relevant, and approachable. I have been privileged to have him speak in one of the churches where…
Top 5 Reasons to Disciple 1-2-1
Many effective discipleship approaches exist, but one of the simplest, most rewarding methods is 1-2-1 Discipleship. This method is also called life-on-life or mentoring. Since my college days, I have personally utilized this method as one of the ways I have sought to obey Matthew 28:19. Here are five reasons everyone…
Sam Newman: A Disciple-Making Story of Two Bens, Part 1

Want A Sandwich? Since becoming more intentional in making disciples that make disciples, God has blessed me with twelve guys to do life with one-on-one. He has also blessed my wife and me with two different couples that we have worked with together couple-to-couple. Two of the twelve guys share the…
Which Is Better: 1-on-1, D-Group, or Small Group?
Five Ways to Make Disciples, Part 4

One of the most effective, powerful, and efficient ways to make disciples is “one on one.” This method of discipleship is also called Mentoring, Life Coaching, or Spiritual Coaching. There is awesome power in “one on one” discipleship relationships because they transform lives. My own life has been impacted by…
Lawless on Discipleship

Dr. Chuck Lawless, Dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Church Growth as well as Director of Professional Doctoral Studies is a person I highly respect. He is thorough, consistent, relevant, and approachable. I have been privileged to have him speak in one of the churches where…
Top 5 Reasons to Disciple 1-2-1

Many effective discipleship approaches exist, but one of the simplest, most rewarding methods is 1-2-1 Discipleship. This method is also called life-on-life or mentoring. Since my college days, I have personally utilized this method as one of the ways I have sought to obey Matthew 28:19. Here are five reasons everyone…