According to Lifeway Research, the best predictor of spiritual progress is daily Bible reading. Most Christians know that truth. Bible reading is the bedrock of a relationship and conversation with God. But like many things in life, we can choose either to neglect or to passionately pursue that relationship and conversation. I want to challenge you to choose the disciplemaking opportunity for Bible reading this year.
Disciplemaking Opportunity for Bible Reading
You already want your own relationship with God to grow. You desire to mature in your walk with Christ, and you know daily Bible reading is essential. Now, would you like to make it more fun and more consistent?
Then ask someone to join you. Choose a plan and share the time together. Make it convenient and fun. The time together can be by phone, video call, or in person. Pray together and share about your time with God in the Word.
Some questions you might ask could include the following. What did you learn and what did you apply? How did what you read cause you to struggle or adjust? How did you respond in prayer to what God said in His Word?
Sharing this experience will add fun, learning, and accountability. Your daily experience will still be influenced by life, but it will tend to be more consistent. That will be true for two reasons: your relationship with God will be growing as will your fun and relationship with your Bible study partner(s).
Simple, Consistent Format
In order to get the most out of the shared experience, I suggest you choose a format together. You might talk about what has worked well for each of you in the past. Sometimes, a chosen Bible study resource may offer a format. But I want to encourage you to focus on the Bible as your resource as much as possible.
In previous posts, I have shared a couple of simple, consistent formats that you may find helpful. Check out these posts for some ideas: Use a H.E.A.R. Journal to Listen and Obey and Teach Disciples to Use S.O.A.P.. Feel free to adapt them, but I want to encourage you to share what you heard God say, how you responded, what you need to do to obey, and how you obeyed. Most good formats will include these ideas.
Then all you have to do is to decide time, length, and meeting method (phone, video call, or in person). If in person, this could be over or after a meal. The time can be 30-60 minutes (often 30 minutes when by phone). The time may be a bit longer when more than two people are involved. When more than two people are involved, try to keep the group to five or fewer so everyone can fully participate.
New Year’s Resolution
Want to keep your new year’s resolution to read God’s Word daily? Enlist a friend to share the experience. You will both be glad you did. And in most cases, you will be even more likely to keep your resolution beyond January. Make contact today. Study together. Take advantage of this disciplemaking opportunity for Bible reading. Make disciples!
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash