As pastor or discipleship leader in your church, have you been wondering how to launch a simple disciple-making strategy in your church in the next 6-12 months? If you are in (or near) Kentucky, I want to invite you to contact me now for details and to get on a list for two training events that will each be limited to five churches trained. Over the next 36 months, I am praying that Kentucky has more than 100 disciple-making churches, with at least a dozen model churches who will be willing to train other churches.
Two Disciple-Making Church Events Coming
Dates are not yet set for these disciple-making church events, but they will be calendared soon. The two host churches are located in Bardstown and Williamstown. Training will require a portion of of 3 weekdays, most likely Monday evening through Wednesday morning. That would allow church teams (10 people/team) to drive in on Monday for dinner and a short session, all day training on Wednesday, and breakfast and a short session on Wednesday morning.
Results for Disciple-Making Churches
During the next 4-6 months, trained team members from each church work through the training materials (in single gender groups). These teams are trained to invest in disciples quickly (even while training). This effort results is a simple, reproducible strategy that starts small but impacts the church and beyond quickly. Disciples and leaders are developed and mobilized into ministry and life.
Limited Registration List
Because of the nature of the Disciple-Making Church event experience, leadership teams from only five churches will be trained at a time. Once the list for each of the two churches is filled, a waiting list will be started. Want to register your church? Need more information? Contact me at [email protected]. Register now. Make disciples!
Photo by Nicholas Safran on Unsplash