In Greeters Help Make Positive First Impressions, I said: If we make negative first impressions (individually or as a church), we may not get a second chance. It is also difficult to disciple people who don’t return or who drop out.
This post is about what we can do to encourage disciples not only to stay connected but to multiply those efforts.
What actions we can take to increase the likelihood that our disciples will desire to continue their connection? Consider the following:
- real, caring relationships and community (notice it is plural)
- a fresh relationship with God and a sense of spiritual progress (often need others to help us recognize it)
- a sense of purpose and fulfillment (comes from serving in the church and world and living lives that matter)
- encouragement (choosing to keep in touch and walk with them toward faithfulness)
- positive expectations (expecting them to grow, stay connected, serve, and multiply themselves as a disciple).
Multiplication of lasting impressions comes when disciples stay connected AND begin to invest in others: family, friends, neighbors, and new disciples. It comes as they realize they have purpose beyond themselves. They recognize God has given them experiences, abilities, knowledge, and more to invest in others. They see and take advantages of opportunities along daily paths.
That is why mutiplication must be built into any disciple-making strategy. Multiplication adds purpose, excitement, and energy to the journey. Multiplication makes connection needed. At the same time, it pushes the disciple into the world where Christ is needed. Make lasting impressions. Make disciples who make disciples!
For more ideas about disciple-making, check out these posts: