Confession is admission of sin or wrongdoing. I like the way Renovare defines confession:
Sharing our deepest weaknesses and failures with God and trusted others, so that we may enter into God’s grace and mercy and experience his ready forgiveness and healing.
Sin destroys relationships and drives a wedge in our relationship with God. Confession seeks restoration. Confessing provides hope. There are many benefits of confessing:
- personal ownership of the sin/wrongdoing
- release of guilt, worry, and negative feelings
- receiving forgiveness (and giving as appropriate)
- restoration of relationship with God and/or people
- provision of peace
- strengthens the will in overcoming that sin/wrongdoing (and others).
I like the five benefits listed in an article entitled 5 Wonderful and Unexpected Benefits of Confession:
- weight is lifted
- barriers are removed
- repair can begin
- integrity is grown
- community is inspired.
Simple Instructions for Confession
James 5:16 (CSB), tells us,
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect.
Notice two simple but clear instructions related to confessing that results in healing in that verse:
- confess your sins to one another. We need restoration and unity with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We cannot receive the help and encouragement needed when we try to keep confession private. Yes, trust is essential. Confidentiality is important. But together is needed.
- pray for one another. Keep in mind that confession is a spiritual discipline to be entered into through the power of prayer. We need honesty in our conversation with God. Seek Him prior to confession to others. Praying together is also helpful And we should always remember to thank Him for His presence and help after confession.
In your discipling relationships, what are some guidelines for confessing appropriately? Leave a reply below this post to share your experiences and guidelines. Confess. Seek restoration of relationship. Make disciples!