I want to invite you and your team to meet and hear Dann Spader as he talks about his book, 4 Chair Discipling: Growing a Movement of Disciple-Makers. He will be live at the Kentucky Baptist Convention (Louisville, KY) and webcast to Paducah, Lexington, and Bowling Green (see addresses below). All locations will be able to ask Dann questions.
How does someone go from seeking truth about Jesus to knowing Him and making disciples in His name. The Discipleship Network of Kentucky and I would like to invite you and your discipleship team to join us on April 20 to hear a simple process of moving people through four chairs.
- WHEN: Thursday, April 20, 10:00-Noon (Eastern time).
- WHO: Dann Spader, author, disciple-maker, founder of Sonlife Ministries
- WHAT: 4 Chair Discipling: Growing a Movement of Disciple-Makers (Dann will share about this book).
- WHERE: Live at the Kentucky Baptist Convention, 13420 Eastpoint Centre Dr, Louisville, KY
- WHERE: Webcast to three locations: First Baptist Church, 2890 Broadway St, Paducah, KY; Immanuel Baptist Church, 3100 Tates Creek, Rd, Lexington, KY; and First Baptist Church, 621 E. 12th St, Bowling Green, KY
- COST: $15 per person, includes a copy of his book
- WHO SHOULD ATTEND: pastors, associate pastors, volunteer discipleship leaders, and individuals with a passion for disciple-making
REGISTRATION. Register now at www.kybaptist.org/4chair.
QUESTIONS. If you have questions, contact me at [email protected] or Ron Moore, president of the Discipleship Network of Kentucky, at [email protected].