Two journeys come to mind. The first discipleship journey is walking with the Lord. It is the key journey that guides the second. Out of walking together with the Lord comes direction, wisdom, and insight for the personal life and for guiding others. The second journey is walking together with those we disciple: family, friends, neighbors, and others along our paths. Let’s think about those two journeys.
Discipleship Journey with the Lord
Jesus is our Shepherd. He is the shepherd-owner of the sheep (John 10:11-12). He lay down His life for the sheep, including you and me. Disciples follow someone. Christians follow Jesus (John 13:34-34). They obey His commands, love one another, and lead others to desire to know Him and follow Him.
Following Jesus means spending time with Him in the Word and prayer. It means walking with Him through life, including the valleys. Disciplers are human, but the journey moves more forward than backwards. Jesus loves us, even when we stumble. He restores us. He helps us forgive ourselves and others.
As we spend time with Him daily, we learn from His Words, His life, and His example. The journey with our Shepherd changes us, teaching us to filter experiences and decisions through that lens. We consider what Jesus would do and say (based on what He actually did and said). We seek to reflect Jesus in how we think, our attitudes, and our actions.
Journey with Those We Disciple
Walking with Jesus on our personal discipleship journey directs how we journey with our disciples. We know that growth happens because of Him. We are servants, like Jesus (Philippians 2:7). As a result, we are wise with our words and example, knowing our disciples are watching and listening. We know the Spirit will guide us as we shepherd His sheep.
As we spend time with our (His) disciples on the journey, we model spending time with the Lord in the Word and prayer. We help them understand how to listen and apply the truth to real life. Together we learn and practice daily surrender. Together we weather challenges and crises.
The discipleship journey involves two journeys, one with Christ and one with our disciples. We are to desire and practice both (Matthew 28:19-20). Be His disciple. Make disciples!
Photo by Felipe Correia on Unsplash