Who is involved in your disciple-making? There are three important “Who’s” of disciple-making. Let’s look at each of them:
- WHO: Jesus. When we follow Jesus, He promises to make us fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). We are all apostles (sent ones) who are sent to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). But we should never attempt to do this work alone. He goes with us–or we fail. Our disciple-making efforts spring from our relationship with Him, and our power comes from the Holy Spirit.
- WHO: Self. Our Lord has made each of us unique to be useful to him in a way no one else can. He wants to use our personalities, abilities, spiritual gifts, passions, and experiences in disciple-making.
- WHO: Our Timothy. He has given each us unique relationships. Even twins tend to have different friends. In fact, our families are a very important part of our focus for disciple-making. So are friends and neighbors. But every relationship and encounter is an opportunity to live for and speak for Jesus.
If any one of the three who’s are missing in your disciple-making, you are failing. You cannot make disciples without Jesus. You cannot disciple anyone well while ignoring who God made you. Without focusing on someone in your relationships, you will not be effective in disciple-making.
Commit the three who’s to the Lord in prayer. Ask for His help. Make disciples!
For more ideas about disciple-making, check out these blog posts:
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