My disciple-making dare for you is to stop thinking about disciple-making and do it! Stop delaying your start until you have your plans perfect. Instead, take the dare to learn how to disciple by doing it. Learn as you disciple.
Disciple-Making Dare: Do it!
You don’t know who to disciple? Pray and ask God to open your eyes to those He has chosen. Or simply watch as God sends someone to you. But don’t wait to pray and pursue. Do it!
You don’t know what materials to use? The Bible is our primary disciple-making resource. Don’t stray far from it. A dependence on another resource can move disciples one step away from listening to God in daily, life-changing encounter with God in His Word. Choose a Bible study pattern or a resource and get started. Learn from it. Just do it.
You are not sure what to do first? Pray. Talk about expectations. Listen. Address real life needs. Open God’s Word and help your disciple understand how to listen to what God says. Share from your experiences. Learn and have fun together. Just do it.
You are not sure how frequently to meet with your disciple? Most will tell you that weekly is the most helpful, but simply choose and be faithful to your schedule and to each other. Just do it.
You are not sure how long to stay with this disciple? Develop hunger for God. Lead toward multiplication. Invest in him/her until he/she has begun investing in his/her disciple. Be a coach. Think 2 Timothy 2:2. Just do it.
The Disciple-Making Dare is simple: do it. You’ve delayed long enough. Potential disciples are waiting. God has prepared you. Now, just do it!
For more thoughts, check out They Are Waiting for You. Photo by Nik MacMillan on Unsplash.