Tag: practices
Review: 4 Discipleship Practices
Practice Right Things
Discipleship Survey Early Results, Part 2
Have you responded to the Quick Discipleship Tool Survey yet? I asked five questions in the survey. It only takes three minutes to complete. There is still time and value for you to participate. Here is the survey: https://darrylwilson.typeform.com/to/YxtoyZ In Part 1, I shared the first three discipleship tool questions I asked…
How to Get Started with 1-2-1 Discipleship
Review: 4 Discipleship Practices
Practice Right Things
Discipleship Survey Early Results, Part 2

Have you responded to the Quick Discipleship Tool Survey yet? I asked five questions in the survey. It only takes three minutes to complete. There is still time and value for you to participate. Here is the survey: https://darrylwilson.typeform.com/to/YxtoyZ In Part 1, I shared the first three discipleship tool questions I asked…