Tag: outreach
Six Mega Shifts, Part 2
Ten Growth Principles of Healthy Churches, Part 5
Ten Growth Principles for Healthy Churches, Part 4
Growing off the Plateau
We looked last week at the term plateau, church health, and church growth. Let’s think some about how to get off the plateau. Kirk Hadaway has conducted much research over the years with Southern Baptist churches in particular. He also attempted to determine the characteristics of plateaued churches and what…
10 Barriers to Disciple Making, Part 3 (Outreach and Passion)
Take A Spiritual Walk
Profiling and Discipleship
Six Mega Shifts, Part 2
Ten Growth Principles of Healthy Churches, Part 5
Ten Growth Principles for Healthy Churches, Part 4
Growing off the Plateau

We looked last week at the term plateau, church health, and church growth. Let’s think some about how to get off the plateau. Kirk Hadaway has conducted much research over the years with Southern Baptist churches in particular. He also attempted to determine the characteristics of plateaued churches and what…