If we want our church and Bible study groups to focus on reaching people far from God, we must create a culture that encourages and celebrates reaching people. Identify and remove obstacles from reaching your community. Discover attributes and actions of a reaching culture. Receive ideas for helping people turn to God. Learn how to build farsightedness into your group and church. Participants will receive a copy of Farsighted: Reaching People Who Are Far from God.
First Baptist Church, 2890 Broadway St, Paducah, KY; in the Student Ministry Area
Monday, November 11, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
- 10:30 Registration
- 11:00 Farsighted, part 1
- Noon Lunch
- 1:00 Farsighted, part 2
- 2:00 Dismiss
Farsighted Speaker
Dwayne McCrary, Author. He is a Project Team Leader for ongoing adult Bible study resources at Lifeway, including the adult Explore the Bible resources. He also teaches both an adult group and a preschool group every Sunday in the church he attends.
$35, includes program, lunch, and a copy of the book, Farsighted
Register yourself or your group at https://tinyurl.com/fewjtbft.
Farsighted is sponsored by the Kentucky Baptist Convention in partnership with the Discipleship Network of Kentucky (DNKY). DNKY is a network of people committed to serving Jesus Christ through the making of disciples. Their mission is to connect disciple-makers and provide avenues to share ideas and thoughts that will assist individuals and churches in making disciples of Jesus Christ. Their vision is to see disciple-makers come together in regional events, monthly network lunches, webinars, and statewide events that will provide information, encouragement, and build relationships.