Something I have noticed over the years is how essential spiritual practices can turn into quick, shallow routines. Has your time with God become more practice or habit than a fresh, growing relationship?
What can you do to turn that around? Which of the following have you tried? Which do you need to begin this year?
- keep a written log of prayer requests and answers to prayer (prayer journal),
- pray at other times than meals,
- combine Bible reading and prayer,
- pray through scripture (see Teaching Sunday School Members to Pray Through Scripture),
- pray big, God-sized prayers,
- choose a different place or different time to pray (or both),
- seek out a prayer partner to challenge each other in prayer,
- read scripture passages about prayer before praying,
- read a book about prayer (but don’t forget to pray),
- after reading scripture and praying, meditate and listen,
- allow God to apply scripture to your life and then pray in response to what He is saying to you,
- set up a prayer retreat of at least four hours, spending time in His Word, writing down requests, praying, listening to meditative music, etc.,
- ask God to convict you and help you identify and deal with sins (even those of omission),
- seek His still small voice in life and if needed, turn off the distractions and noise,
- ask Him to help you memorize scripture verses, and/or
- develop a prayer warrior closet/corner/desk.
What would you add to this list? Which one of these could you add this week? Which should you plan to add this year? How will you keep your prayer more relational? There is nothing wrong with good habits (think brush your teeth). But going through the motions relationally leads to distance rather than relational growth. Pray. Listen. Be a disciple. Make disciples!
For more ideas about prayer, check out these blog posts:
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