I want to invite every person (pastor, staff, volunteer) who has a passion for and questions about discipleship to set aside October 24-25, 2013, to be a part of the DiscipleShift: 1 conference at Eastside Community Church, 2010 Catalpa Loop, Richmond, Kentucky.
DiscipleShift: 1 is a unique two-day experience that will both challenge and stretch you. This is not the usual conference or seminar. Practitioners from Eastside and from Real Life Ministries won’t be talking at you for two days. Rather, they will challenge you through interactive relational small group experiences to evaluate and re-think how you do church.
I personally attended this conference in Idaho and experienced a major shift in my discipleship thinking and strategy. The DiscipleShift: 1 strategy will help you focus on being an intentional discipling leader, creating a relational discipling environment, and designing a reproducible process.
In order to prepare for the conference, you are expected to read the book, Church Is a Team Sport by Jim Putman.
Cost is $345 per person. And space is limited due to the interactive nature of the experience. You can register for this great conference on this website:
- http://www.eventbrite.com/event/5954268377/eventful/r/eventful#
Another great discipleship resource is Real-Life Discipleship Training Manual by Jim Putman, Avery Willis Jr., Brandon Guindon, and Bill Krause.
For more thoughts about discipleship, check out these blog posts: