Do you have a personal disciple-making vision? Does your church have a disciple-making vision?
No, I am not talking about “mission.” Our mission is clear:
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always,[c to the end of the age.
Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:19-20, CSB
Vision is different than mission. Vision is where we are heading. I like what Will Mancini has said:
Vision is where God is taking us.
Vision Frame, Will Mancini
How can we know where God is taking us? We must spend time with God in prayer and Bible study to discover our disciple-making vision. We must listen to Him and seek to join Him where He is at work (Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby and Claude King). “Us” means more than the pastor or an individual.
Disciple-making Vision and Leadership
My definition of leadership is “taking a person or group where they need to go.” To do so related to discipleship depends on God being included in the “they.” Leadership and discipleship demand relationships and movement.
- Without either and there is no discipleship or leadership.
- Relationships provide the willingness to be taken.
- Vision is where they need to go.
- Goals are steps toward the vision.
- Movement must be in the right direction and together.
Check your disciple-making vision. What is missing? Are relationships shallow? Is there little or no movement? Are goals poor? Answers all start with vision. And vision starts with God. Seek Him and a disciple-making vision. Make disciples.