Over the years, I have introduced readers to disciple-making churches, leaders, resources, events, and apps. DiscipleMaker Stages is a awesome app and its website is https://disciplemakingstages.com. It is free and offers tons of help for each of the disciple-making stages.
The author of the app is Paul Johnson. Paul has been my peer serving with the Canadian National Baptist Convention. He is a disciple-making practitioner who works to make it easy for those he disciples to be able to make disciples. Sebastian Vazquez took Paul’s app and turned it into a great website which offers a helpful Assessment. Sebastian has served with the International Mission Board in Poland, Canada, and Europe. He too is a disciple-making practitioner.
Disciple-Making Stages App
The Stages Rings you see in the website picture above, show the stages of a person related to discipleship. The first is the Curious & nonCurious. The second is Believer. Then comes Disciple followed by Disciple Maker & Servant. There are natural overlaps of the stages.
Each section of the app contains information in four categories:
- things to know
- things to feel
- things to do
- additional resources.
Under Things to Know, in the Curious & nonCurious part of the app, there is this information
- origins worldviews
- witness with bridge image
- comparing Christianity part 1
- using Romans to witness
- using Romans 6:23
- and more.
Under Things to Feel, there is information about
- relational good news
- finding God
- seeker-aware
- caring for seekers
- faith or logic part 1
- and faith or logic part 2.
I am not trying to tell you about the whole app. I am simply demonstrating how practical the app is (and website). It is designed to help you as you walk a curious (or noncurious) person toward Jesus, a new Christian toward growing in Christ, and a disciple toward becoming a disciple-maker.
I invite you to check it out. Go to the website and take the assessment. Share the app and what you find there with friends, and even better share Jesus with the lost and help believers grow as disciples! If you would like to hear Paul and Seba talk about disciple-making (and about the app), sign up for EQUIP on on Thursday, August 25, 7-9 PM, EDT, at www.kybaptist.org/equip.