Category: Spiritual Growth Spiritual Growth Helps
Is Your Disciple a Friend of Jesus?
New Year Disciplemaking Opportunity for Bible Reading
Is Leadership Development the Purpose of Making Disciples?
Discover and Mobilize Spiritual Gifts
Are You Teaching Them to Observe Everything Jesus Commanded?
Thanksgiving: Time to Choose Gratitude
Will You Make Disciples During the Holidays?
Soul Care for the Weary Leader
November 9, Owensboro, KY Pastors, associate pastors, and discipleship leaders are invited to the annual meeting of the Discipleship Network of Kentucky. Dr. Hershael York will offer biblical and practical encouragement for pastors who are facing the challenges of ministry. Date & Location Monday, November 9 from 11:00 a.m. –…
Disciple-Making from Womb to Tomb
Spiritual Growth Helps
Is Your Disciple a Friend of Jesus?
New Year Disciplemaking Opportunity for Bible Reading
Is Leadership Development the Purpose of Making Disciples?
Discover and Mobilize Spiritual Gifts
Are You Teaching Them to Observe Everything Jesus Commanded?
Thanksgiving: Time to Choose Gratitude
Will You Make Disciples During the Holidays?
Soul Care for the Weary Leader

November 9, Owensboro, KY Pastors, associate pastors, and discipleship leaders are invited to the annual meeting of the Discipleship Network of Kentucky. Dr. Hershael York will offer biblical and practical encouragement for pastors who are facing the challenges of ministry. Date & Location Monday, November 9 from 11:00 a.m. –…