Author: admin
Reading Your Own Obituary!
More Than a Handshake

Most guests entering our churches receive a cordial hand shake and a “glad you are with us today.” While this initial contact with guests is important, Debbie Rendell of St. Petersburg, Fla., says churches must go deeper. The president of Integrating Focus says a congregation that wants to promote fellowship…
8 Marks of a Genuine Disciple

Aubrey Malphurs, in his book, Strategy 2000: Churches Making Disciples for the Next Millennium, discusses eight areas of what makes a genuine disciple. This list or any list depicting lifestyle and behaviors is an outward response of an inward commitment to Jesus as Lord. This is not a legalistic exercise…
Ten Things to Do with First Time Guests

First time guests won’t become second time guests unless we make a good impression. Consider these suggestions working with your guests: Call them “guests” not “visitors.” The term visitor denotes that they are just passing through and will probably not be back. Do you have a visitor’s bedroom or a…
Healthy Churches Need Change Too
Super Bowl Records
Get Your Joy Back!
Is Sunday School Dead?
Discipling Teens
Youth specialist Joe Ball shares with Mike James how we as leaders and parents can be more effective in impacting our students to become disciples. We must reach this generation for Christ!