Of all the questions I have asked in this blog, this is one the most critical. You can determine the materials, the format, and the length but still not take the step to disciple others. Jesus did not say we would be given points for knowing how to disciple, he commanded us to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). So my question is, “Who will you disciple in the coming year?”
Before you answer “I don’t know” or share a name, let me ask you to spend time praying. Ask God to open your eyes to see those He has sent into your life and those He will be sending across your path. In every interaction, look for the opportunity for God to use you to lead that person toward a relationship with Him or into a deeper relationship. At the end of every day, review those encounters and consider opportunities.
Who Will You Disciple?
You don’t have to pray about whether you should disciple. I encourage you to pray about who to disciple. Allow me list some categories that may help. Keep in mind that digital platforms (like Zoom, etc.) allow disciple-making even at a distance. Open your eyes to these possible candidates (and others) for your disciple-making efforts:
- family members (in your home or extended: children, siblings, parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.)
- friends (near and far)
- associates (at work, school, play, and marketplace)
- neighbors (current and former)
- people you encounter (teachable moments)
- people hurting, struggling, or under stress (needing care and hope)
- people at church (in your group, committee, etc.)
- people on your heart or who come to mind.
What Next?
You started with prayer about who you will disciple. You opened your eyes to see those who God brings to your mind and heart. Now, go and have conversation with those persons. Tell them about your prayer. Share some of what discipling them might involve. Ask them to pray and give you an answer within a few days.
Consider whether God wants you to disciple more than one person at a time. Don’t say no for God. Be a disciple. Pray for and seek those who need to be discipled. Make disciples!
Photo by Phillip Goldsberry on Unsplash