In scanning through a book by Andrew Davis, Revitalize: Biblical Keys to Helping Your Church Come Alive Again, I was reminded of the two journeys of disciple-making:
The work of disciple-making is taught in the New Testament in the language of two journeys: the internal journey of growth into full maturity in Christ and the external journey of evangelism and missions. (p. 199)
Neither journey ends in this life. Neither journey is intended to solo. Disciple-making that ignores either the internal or the external journey fails.
Evaluate your disciple-making efforts. Which of the two journeys needs revitalization? What can you do to adjust direction, intentionality, and impact?
Together with God, your efforts matter. Make disciples! For more ideas, check out these posts:
- Disciple-Making Strategy Questions
- New Year’s Personal Discipleship Questions
- Disciple-Making: Where to Start
- Scripture Memorization and Disciple-Making
- Discipleship and Relational Prayer
- Simple Four-Step Conversational Disciple-Making
- Community in Discipleship Groups
- Who Am I to Disciple?
- Balancing Head Knowledge and Behavior