Disciples and Doubt

The Great Commission text in Matthew 28:16-20 is very familiar to most of us. We have quoted it, preached it, and taught it numerous times. We must be careful with Scripture that is most familiar lest we overlook some truth that has escaped our notice. Matthew 28:17 is one of…

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Costly Grace

Many of us have been impacted by an old book written by a young brilliant German theologian named Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the book, The Cost of Discipleship. Bonhoeffer could have left Germany to teach in America and avoid what was happening in Germany in the 1930’s. He struggled with the decision. Ultimately…

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Moving and Discipleship

As I write this, my wife and I are in a motel room waiting for our furniture to arrive at our new house in the morning.  Our old house is not ours anymore and our new house just became ours a few hours ago. Actually the mortgage company says we…

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Spiritual Maturity Study: Key Findings, Part 2

Today, let’s continue looking at some of the key findings from the formal study of the spiritual maturity of Kentucky Southern Baptists conducted by the Kentucky Baptist Convention and LifeWay Research. (See Spirtual Maturity Study: Key Findings, Part 1, for other key findings)…. Kentucky Baptists are weak in the relationship area.…

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Beam Me Up, Scotty

Have you ever taken a shortcut?  I live for shortcuts.  I love side streets and back roads that save time and keep you moving toward the desired destination. I recently bought a GPS unit, in part, so I can find additional routes that can save time. Unfortunately, I have discovered there…

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