Think with Me about Discipleship Phase Actions

What actions would benefit a disciple at each of these discipleship (spiritual maturity) phases: baby, child, teen, adult? In what actions/activities should the individual be involved and which ones could the church provide that would encourage spiritual progress? I am still chewing through these thoughts. Naturally some of the actions/activities…

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Spirtual Maturity

How do you define spiritual maturity? Whatever way or method you define it, most of us would agree that there is a direct connection to discipleship and spiritual growth or maturity.   A lack of intentional discipleship equals spiritual immaturity.  Many of our churches are attempting to get some handles on…

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Healthy Church, Part 2

Have you ever thought about what makes a church healthy? In our last post, we mentioned that two ingredients in a healthy church are UNITY and DIVERSITY. Although diverse people from various walks of life usually make up a church, they can still be unified through the Holy Spirit. In…

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