Disciple-Making Guidelines

I recently read an article by Real Life Ministries entitled 12 Simple Small Group Guidelines You Should Be Using. These guidelines were developed to “give your small group boundaries to operate with” and to “create an environment that is safe for transparency, vulnerability, and growing closer in relationship with each other and with God.” I encourage you to read this brief article in its entirety.

Here are the dozen guideline topics offered in that article: safe group, confidentiality, listen, pause, silence, no ‘cross talk,’ no fixing, no rescuing, sharing, be self aware, use’I’ statements, and conflict. Those guidelines led me to begin thinking about guidelines that might be helpful in our disciple-making relationships. Many of the guidelines in the article would be appropriate.

Our D-groups or one-on-one relationships should be safe environments for open and honest conversation. Those involved should know confidentiality is assured. Listening should be a high value even allowing appropriate pause and silence to encourage deeper sharing and processing. Those we are discipling should know we are not trying to fix or rescue them and it should be mutual. We should expect self awareness about our impact the environment through our actions and communication. And communication will be clear and relationships stronger when we use ‘I’ statements and work to resolve all conflict biblically.

What additional guidelines would you add? Commitment to meeting regularly could be on the list. Press Comments to add more guidelines which can benefit our disciple-making relationships.

For more ideas about disciple-making check out these posts:

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